Thursday, December 16, 2010

Digital Painting Final


Here is my final for Digital Painting. I enjoyed it very much, and can't wait to start my next digital painting. Finally, some finished work.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Illustration Sketches

These are a few sketches for my final in Digital Illustration and my final in Technical Drawing, and some sketches for fun!

November Paintings

I believe the title is self explanatory. The first is a portrait in oil of my friend Eben 25 minutes. The second is the beginnings of a self portrait in oil, and the last piece is an assignment for my Media Techniques course in acrylic.

It's December and I'm Painting

Paint! Paint! Paint! I love painting. So much, in fact, that next semester I am going to be in the Painting department at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Here are a few works that I did last week and the previous week.

The first photo is a section of a drawing/painting (time: 15 minutes). It was done on cardboard using pencil and watercolor pencils. I has been in the middle of watching a lecture being given by John Maeda, president of RISD when I was so inspired that I needed an outlet for all of my inspiration. I wanted to completely avoid the pressure of creating a work of art and just simply create, so I took a scrap piece of cardboard and the one medium that I hardly ever use. There you have it.

The second is a portrait of an in-class model, done in gouache in my Media Techniques class with Scott Bakal.

The third painting is in oil and was started three days ago. This is a small section, about a quarter of the whole painting, but the section that I made the most progress on. (time: 1 hour)

I am becoming increasingly inspired by contemporary artists and composers, and it's beginning to truly shape the work that I do for myself outside of school. I can't wait to post more work that I do independent of school work!


A New Perspective

Hello! With this post I am diverting from my pattern of posting two dimensional art. There is so much to be said about 3D and 4D art (4D being time based media, e.g. animation and music!).

WARNING: These photos are for fun, they are not meant to represent aesthetic brilliance by any means; they're just fun thoughts that should open your mind!

Here are two fun photos. The first is a quick sculpture I did of a man, who is hollowed out for the purpose of growing plants inside of him (of course he had to be hollowed out regardless as to avoid his explosion in the kiln). There is a hole through the other half of his head and in the base, for the plant to grow outward and the water to drain.

The second photo is a brilliant discovery called "modern throne" by Dante, my boyfriend. Who would think after peeling a banana that the end of the stem resembles a modern chair or throne? It's quite inspiring to think about the potential that we all have in thinking creatively. Dante goes to Berklee College of Music, plays guitar and writes his own music. You can hear his art here:

Well, I suppose that's all for this post. The moral today is: don't limit yourself to one medium (2D, 3D, 4D...) and don't stop thinking outside the box! It's amazing how much this world has to offer us, so explore!

I will be posting real sculpture quite soon, so be on the lookout!